High Valley


A list of the magi resident at the Covenant and their ages as of 1200AD.

Shanack, Arch-magus, House Tytalus, M, 113, Master of Perdo, Diabolist Destroyer.

Arkanic "the Serb", House Flambeau, M, 94, Involved in 4th Crusade and Hermetic conflicts in Thebes that followed it.

Helmuth "Bigbeard", House Bjornaer, M, 101, Aurochs Heartbeast.

Koskii "the Seer", House Criamon, M, 141, Blind Visionary.

Shem Shah, filius Koskii, House Criamon, M, 92, Astrologer.

Unkaus, filius Shanack, House Tytalus, M, 71, Covenant politician.

Carolus Terrus, House Tytalus, M, 72, Mining expert.

Ethleric, filius Arkanic, House Flambeau, M, 67.

Lucretia Capriati, House Tytalus, F, 69, Very ugly.

Marie-Claire, House Merinita, F, 62.

Felix Magnificus, filius Helmuth, House Bjornaer, M, 61, Lynx Heartbeast.

Schilling Erebar, filius Koskii, House Criamon, M, 60, Koskii's disciple and biographer.

Lapsus, House Bjornaer, M, 51, Hawk Heartbeast.

Stom, filius Shanack, M, 49, Fat and Balding.

Heinrich "the Bastard", filius Unkaus, M, 41, Sadistic Torturer.

Castus et Fidens, filius Arkanic, M, 41.

Parakic, House Criamon, M, 32, Haruspex, apprenticed at Spear Peak where he was Haas' best friend until they fell out over the direcctions of their studies and are now enemies.

Mordax, filius Tytalus, House Tytalus, M, 32.

Trellus, filius Helmuth, House Bjornaer, M, 30,

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