Spear Peak

Hermetic Landscape

These are the Covenants in our version of the Greater Alps Tribunal. They do not necessarily follow published material. There is also a bias towards the Western end of the Tribunal. This has occurred due to various Story Guides wanting "their" Covenants to be within easy travel distance of Spear Peak.


A huge, incredibly stable Autumn Covenant. This is the Domus Magnus of House Jerbiton, although the magus population comes from a variety of Houses. There are 19 magi living here, including 3 Quesitores and 2 Flambeau hoplites. Tribunal Meetings are held here, due to the presence of Hascale Ex Miscellanea, the Praeco. The Mundane library here is huge, possibly the largest in the Catholic world. The Arcane library is excellent also, although not up to the standards of Doissetep, but access is restricted. The Covenant is run by a Council of Four magi, elected by all the magi. At present these are 2 Jerbiton (including the Primus), 1 Tremere and 1 Quesitor. The Covenant is located at modern Badgastein.

A tidied version of my notes is available. This includes a description of the Covenant, brief notes on its magi, its magical attributes and its turb.

Cave of Twisting Shadows

We know little of this Covenant. It holds 15+ Criamon magi, some of whom are pretty hatstand. This is the Domus Magnus of House Criamon.


A large but inaccessible Covenant deep in Winter. The magi seem to be split between House Tremere and House Criamon. It is also the home of Jonah the Senior Quesitor of the Tribunal. The apparent leader of the Covenant is Imperatus of House Tremere. He and his filii are occasionally active belaying the impressions of Winter. Despite his age, Imperatus seems in full control of his faculties. The most senior of the Criamon magi within the Covenant obviously dislikes Imperatus, and their feud may be the cause of the decline of the Covenant.

High Valley

The Official name is Hanging Valley, but it only gets used at Tribunals, after it gained more unpleasant conotations during the quashing of the Tytalus diabolism. The Covenant contains most of the trouble-makers of the Tribunal, and its status as a power (second only to Valnastium) was emphasised at the 1200 Tribunal meeting. Houses Tytalus, Flambeau, Bjornear and Criamon are all represented here. The leader of the Covenant appears to be the Arch-Magus Shanack of House Tytalus. Possibly the pre-eminent master of Perdo in the Order, Shanack is a bogey-man to scare all young magi with. In earlier days Shanack was known as a driven hunter of Diabolists: - a magus in his line was one of those Tytalus magi executed for diabolism. Other important magi include Helmuth Bigbeard of House Bjornear, Arkanic the Serb of House Flambeau (went with 4th Crusade) and Koskii the Blind, a very old Criamon visionary who was responsible for bringing the Covenant out of its' several centuries long Winter. His present whereabouts are unknown. The Covenant is located in a remote Valley near Chur.

A list of the High Valley Magi is available

Lac Neuchatel

Again, not known by its' official name, but by its' location. Once a vibrant, Jerbiton dominated, Summer Covenant, it has been recently (1203) plunged into dire Winter (although the remaining magi believe they have started a new Spring). After Treachery and Tragedy had winnowed out the senior Jerbiton magi, and under attack by forces of the Bishop of Lausanne, the remaining magi decided to isolate the Covenant from the mundane world. They have mutated their Garden of Contemplation to provide a permanent effect similar to Fog of Confusion (MuAu45) and The Shrouded Glen (ReMe40) in a few mile radius about the Covenant. Unfortunately the experimental nature of the ritual has resulted in unexpected side-effects. Those who are unable to resist the effects (either by magic or an immensly strong will) find their emotions and desires being warped in a malign fashion and the results being emphasised. The magi seem to have moved some of their operations to nearby Avrenches. The main Covenant buildings are located on the shores of the Lake near Murten.

A list of the Lac Neuchatel magi, including the recently deceased, is available.

Map of surrounding area.

Kaiseraugst/Radix Sapientiae

It now (summer 1205) appears that this is really two Covenants, sharing some things so as not to break the ruling that the Tribunal shall have no new Covenants. The old Covenant in the Bavarian Alps is based around a huge Spruce tree (the entrance tunnel is through one of its roots), has a high Aura and contains the followers of Mendalus (nature oriented Merinita). Their servants are stick-like faeries, and there appear to be dangerous guardians in the surrounding heavy woodlands. Kaiseraugst is a Jerbiton/Bonisagus Covenant in a castle close to Basle, and just by the Roman ruins of Augusta Rauricum. Both parts of the Covenant seem to leave their politiking to Arch-Magus Curtius of Bonisagus, who in turn voted with Andru of Valnastium on every vote at the last Tribunal.

A list of the Kaiseraugst/Radix Sapientiae magi is available.

Spear Peak

Our Covenant. Situated on Mt Pilatus above Lucerne. Until 1197 this was a medium sized Autumn Covenant containing a variety of ageing Magi. Then, all the senior magi performed a ritual designed to help them avoid twilight (or aging, or something???) at the gateway to the Near Lands at the top of the mountain, which resulted in them all disappearing. This left two magi just out of apprenticeship, and with no memory of what had happened (a side effect of the ritual that affected everyone we've met). With a couple of other recruits, these youngsters have been plunged into the politics of the Tribunal. They have been affected by the troubles at Lac Neuchatel and already seem to have the emnity of certain magi at High Valley. Added to various troubles with the infernal, they have their hands full.

Ars Magica and many related terms are Copyright Trident Inc. Order of Hermes and Tremere are Copyright White Wolf Inc. Unless otherwise indicated all other material is property of Eric Grove-Stephensen, Richard Slattery, Dean Scothern and Robin Leah. Permission is given to copy it for non-profit purposes as long as due credit is given.

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